If you own a business or other type of commercial premises in or around Milton Keynes that has a garden or landscaped area out front, consider yourself lucky! No matter what type of products or services you sell, first impressions count and if the first thing visitors see before they’ve even parked their vehicle is a well maintained garden, they’re bound to feel more positive about you and your business. 

The condition of your company grounds can say a lot about your business 

On the other hand, if the grounds are strewn with litter, the grass is overgrown, and the shrubs have withered and died, this sends out the wrong message altogether. You may be too busy focusing on what’s going on inside the building to look after the grounds outside properly, but this could easily be taken as a sign of neglect or carelessness. If they can’t be bothered to cut the grass and pick up the discarded bottles and cans lying about, why should I trust them to look after my interests, is what potential clients or service users may ask themselves. 
The thing is, it doesn’t really matter what type of business you’re running; if the garden outside looks rosy, people are more likely to assume that everything inside is cared for as well. And they’ll be right! It’s amazing how some well cut and watered grass, some flowered borders that are full of colour, and the presence of healthy looking shrubs and trees can create a good impression. Add to this an outdoor area where staff can enjoy the fresh air during their breaks, and where birds and insects visit, and you’re on to a real winner. 
Here at Bumble Bees, we’re not promising to produce a garden for you that will win at the Chelsea Flower Show, but our commercial grounds maintenance service will not only get your grounds and landscaped area looking its best, we’ll keep it that way throughout the year for you, for your staff and customers to enjoy. Having your own little bit of greenbelt outside your office premises, factory, school, or industrial estate is a precious asset and one that is worth investing in. 
For commercial grounds maintenance, give Yvonne a buzz 07802 206280 or Contact Us here.  
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